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Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:00 am
by goodlookingone
Hi: Middle of the night and I'm not sleeping.
A Quiz... Never been any good at them.
Not Much chance of Patient Services - they won't find their way to here - Just as easy to walk to the stop for the First Bus
They ain't going to get my address right - The Structure is all wrong - The mere Solictor (not an elected bod: Just an employee) is giving orders to another organisation (The NHS). Just pondering what to do... Better get some Legal advice Today... NHS is susposed to be a service: not to increase ones worries.
I did Like Ireland (The south), but I'm always dubious expecting it to be as good as it was on the previous visit... But there again, I like other places... The Peak District for Example. Think of Edale Beyond Hope. But I bet that's changed too.

Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:17 pm
by Rwth of Cornovii
Dangerous place, the Peak district. Stephen Booth is always writing documentaries about their murder rate. Come to Exmoor, Have a look at the scenery, then scoot down to Minehead for balmy weather. They were putting up the Christmas lights on Wednesday. Always lovely and not garish.

From what I can gather, the Council have to restore your proper address, and maybe you and your neighbours can do a Class Action, to make them comply with High Court judgements. Or maybe take out an Injunction against them? Then they'll have to tell the NHS to use the right address.
In the meantime, perhaps you can use a PO box no. and collect your mail every time you're passing the post office.

Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:38 pm
by Rwth of Cornovii
Dangerous place, the Peak district. Stephen Booth is always writing documentaries about their murder rate. Come to Exmoor, Have a look at the scenery, then scoot down to Minehead for balmy weather. They were putting up the Christmas lights on Wednesday. Always lovely and not garish.

From what I can gather, the Council have to restore your proper address, and maybe you and your neighbours can do a Class Action, to make them comply with High Court judgements. Or maybe take out an Injunction?

Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 9:41 pm
by goodlookingone
Hi everyone ... Hope all are well.. Dodn't sleep a wink last night, and cold and busy today (Hosp visit) Head going round of things to do..

I shant wake up to see you - I needs some Beatysleep (Who's kidding - I Needs LOTS of Beautysleeps....)

Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:40 pm
by Rwth of Cornovii
Hello, fit as a fiddle here. Very tired though. Went out for dinner with Dear Daughter to celebrate her 50th birthday earlier in the month. She wanted the unvarnished truth about her father and me. Showed me the pics of their trip to Paris to celebrate granddaughter's 18th birthday on July 14th. They are all very grown up and 15 y.o. grandson is taller than all of them now. DD went off to her meeting in Exeter and will be shooting off back to Tunbridge Wells soon.

I hope the beauty sleep worked its magic. I need just as much as you do.

Hope that everyone else is OK. It's quiet in here.

Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:25 pm
by goodlookingone
Hi. I've asked elswhere, and I didn't Understand the answer...
How does one get a BitCoin.
Do you send a cheque/bankcard,
How do you get the damn things.
How would one spend on? .. for example if I wanted to buy (say) a railway tickeet to That there London. How much would it cost compared with real folding banknotes, How would I Get that Ticket. The "talk" about them is tens of thousands of (Yankee?) Dollars PER BITCOIN.

Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 12:45 pm
by Rwth of Cornovii
If you were going to buy them, you'd be trading like shares or South American Rands. Yhey might be used as a temporary investment if you had sold your house and wanted to find a replacement at your leisure. If they increased in value you could buy a better house, or if they decreased dramatically, you would be on the street. I decided they were too volatile to buy for more than a few days, and then only for a part of your capital. Only as much as you could afford to lose. Like going to the races, you might win big on the first race, so you stick the stake back in your pocket and then you could afford to lose everything you had won without being any poorer. That happened to me with a really stunningly beautiful tall horse called Prince Privet. I won well on him for the first race which my aunt had staked me to and refused to take the winnings. I then lost it all during the rest of the afternoon. I think she thought it was 4/- well spent. She wasn't to know that I just loved to see the horses and the money meant nothing to me.

So you couldn't spend Bitcoins. You just sell them to other people and spend the profit. I expect if you googled Bitcoins, you would get names of traders. Make sure they are associated with a reputable organisation and work according to the rules of the Office of fair trading, and they will help you buy and sell for a commission. Binaries are similarly volatile and should be avoided. There are people trying to sign you up on their foolproof computerised system, but it's tricky getting access to it. they usually go on selling without delivering.

Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 5:15 pm
by goodlookingone
Yes, but if you cannot spend them, only sell to some other buyer, how can they have any value to make them buyable or sellable.
When there used to be Football pools, we "Invested???" as a group of four of us... Our colleague who was NOT in the syndicate reckoned it would be better to "Invest" Shares in the outfits that ran the pools. For many years after I left I ciontinued doing the same numbers on another cheaper pool, so I could add the same amount... Then When I worked in a factory that made cars - the biggest motor output in the world (Think Matchboxes), although I spent some time over the road making Carburetters and Stanley Knife Handles. So I added another line to my cache.... None of us won a penny.

Then I worked in a Cooker Factory .. One of my colleagues ran "Betting ffrom a Timelock Suitcase" .. Apparantly my reluctance made me a disapponment to him.. (He didn't do much work... Being Present there to run his accounts was all he needed, But He did say, that Many people thought they were "Smart", but of course, He knew their income/outcome, and reckoned that the really smart people were on the other side of the counter... (Years after I left, The Company expanded... by flogging the Pension Money ... Long gone.....

Then I was back at Hackney's car factory, for ACAS, but this time working for a "Betting man". He did explain his "System", which I can tell you if you will use it more closely than He did...

Then when my cousin had a shop, His Neighbouring shop was a Betting Shop... Mrs Bettingshop drove a Jaguar, Their Punters were queuing for the bus.

Whilst typing that, I heard on the Lectric Radio that Bitcoin just "dropped" a few notches on the USA stockmarket.. Watch out for suicide jumpers in Wall Street.

Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:54 pm
by Rwth of Cornovii
I had a client, of the accountants I worked for who had won on the football pools. £500. I asked him if he had won before and he said he had never won before but had been doing them since they began. He said he was "one of those patriotic fools who joined up in 1914" . He thought he had had his moneys worth in entertainment value, but in 1974, he couldn't have won back all he had spent. I still think that gambling is only worth its entertainment value, whether it's on stocks and shares or bitcoins. Oh sorry, Rands are South African. I knew that and just wrote the wrong continent. I think I'm more Ant than Grasshopper. Even with a windfall, I can't bear to risk much of it on a bad deal. I do have a model double decker bus Green Western National Paignton bus station with a Minehead Butlins banner on each side. Maybe it's sought after.

Re: November already? Doesn't time fly!

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:11 pm
by goodlookingone
1914... Another Story..Are you sitting Comfortably, then I'll begin. This was 1967, My move from Toolmaker to Production Engineer in a Suit and a desk. When I reported back to my Day Release Students we agreed how humour was much more vicious in the office than on the Shopfloor.. For example Picking up a sheet of Notepaper from the floor and handed it to the nearest desk holder. He asked "Is this yours George" and a "Much Thanks" in reply .. "Yes I thought it was yours, it's blank" /... and so on.
There were several scams.... I mean games, every payday "Jacks Swindle was one, but I opted out. Usually ending in agood nature Debacle, One Gambler (" Ginja" since you ask) was talking of his Grandad who Had Gambled his Life Savings on a Hoss on the Day before His wedding ....... and lost. "Jack", (The Pursholder) did not believe that a Country Farm worker could NOT have earned as much as £30 of savings in 1914...... What Comment? ..