Although fully set up, this board is currently experimental, and is available for testing. To this end:
- User registrations require Administrator approval;
- Guest postings ARE permitted.
Guests can create topics, and reply on existing topics / threads in "The Bull", and can reply on existing topics in "The Office"; the rest of the board is currently off-limits for posting by guests (but guests can browse). When posting as a "guest", please use your usual board username (put it into the "Username" text box). Please note that all guest posts will be subject to pre-moderation.
Registered users can post in all areas of the board. At the moment, user registrations will only be accepted from expected, invited users; although accessible, the board is not yet public knowledge.
Enjoy, and provide feedback!
An Tarbh Dubh, formerly known as "EbonyBull" and/or "Omikron"
More commonly known as "Mr. Wells".