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Re: It's July!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:15 pm
by goodlookingone
Hi each - pooter been at Menders. Just trying to see If I'm Making contact. All my Board Names and Passwords gone AWOL.

Re: It's July!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:24 pm
by Brians Cravat
Greetings GLO. Receiving you loud and clear.

Re: It's July!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:39 pm
by goodlookingone
Thanks Brian - I have much catching up to do.. Finding e-mail is difficult to locate.

Re: It's July!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:19 pm
by goodlookingone
I have caught up.. Although this Batchelor didn't have much to add to Schools. My last involvement at schools was in Local Gov. I was NOT impressed by schoolteachers.
Decorating: I fear unwellness over the last few years has limited my thoughts, interests, and cash-flow. But I am now back to De-Cluttering - Fifty years of work being shredded, but where to keep the plastic sacks of shredded papers? I had eight bags to keep in the house - Access to the garden would add slugs and rainwater to the bags which I should have to be taken through the house to the courtyard (Walled Garden, no gates, no storage at the front - just a communial courtyard/footpath) Got rid of the eight bags this a.m., and now can start on the next lot. Decoration will be paused until I have some working space.
An oddity: Neighbours opposite side of courtyard moved their furniture out into the public space. I wonder about how they chose to live in a house (with a garden) put like to live publicly - I never understood people. I wonder what the Foxesthink of rain-sodden sofa's, toys, paving covered in dog-ends... I wish I could afford to move.

Re: It's July!

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:08 pm
by goodlookingone
After PooterMender repairing pooter it has only taken a couple of days to get it working (AExcept the back-up, ... and the Security Thingy.... and the Sound. ... All I needs to do now is to reconnect the Printer - seems to have a pooter link with a different model to what mine was/is... Only another couople of days work ...... SCREEEEEEM...

Re: It's July!

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:14 pm
by goodlookingone
Spoke too soon --- Pooter conked out again. (I think too many neighbours using too much currents).
...and ... Why are bods offering me Insurance, Mortgages, Using my car as security for a loan (bet they havn't seen my car) or Money making schemes that are all in Dollars?
I'm off to examin the insides of my eyelids...

Goodnight each.

Re: It's July!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:00 am
by Brians Cravat
Good morning all (If there's any one there, that is!)

Sorry to read of ailing computers.

Busy week ahead though, not today. Today is definitely a 'feet up, watching the cricket' sort of day. It all starts tomorrow with OH and I die to sit on five Education Admission Appeals Panels, taking us through to Friday. Average of 22 individual appeals for each panel to hear. We've spent most of the weekend going through the documentation. In their submissions, asking us to change the Council's decision to deny their child(ren) a place at their chosen school, parents are asked to detail their case. Some can barely muster five lines while other manage two or three pages of A4. They will also often add, several pages of of 'supporting evidence (Letters from Doctors, nursery teachers etc.) It takes some working through and, if you're going to do a decent job, it all has to be studied.

Any evidence of the Ebony Bull and Wellsy? Just hope that both are well.

Enjoy your days people.

Re: It's July!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:45 pm
by An Tarbh Dubh
We're still here, and as well as can be expected. I just don't post that often, and 3Wells is usually to be found in "The Cellar" (on the Ambridge Reporter site), and here and there in Peets ... more occasionally here. 3Wells isn't really fully recovered from her last problems but is getting there, and I have been exceptionally busy, but things are a little quieter now for a week or two.

Hope everyone else is keeping well and cheerfully occupied. Someone will have to start a new August thread tomorrow :-).

Re: It's July!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:00 pm
by goodlookingone
Oh dear, is it the 31th... I'd better see if I can cet theis damn printer working, and pay some bills.

Re: It's July!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:48 pm
by Rwth of Cornovii
What about the washing up? I've had my cleaners in this morning so I can relax for a bit. They cleaned my windows on the outside, so now the people opposite can see me. Mostly there's a bit of a hedge, and one lot is away most of the time, but I don't wear much indoors.

Re: It's July!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:19 pm
by goodlookingone
Washing up... I have been economising on food, so if I have enough plates, it can wait another month....
Pondering on a visit to airshow: No longer at Sunny Southend, but round the Coast to Clacton.. Just seen the bus times - Strewth, They must be economising on bus speeds...