Hi. Just catching up.. Been on Phone ... Kid sister in E London seems to have a lot of Police action and re to find her way to work..So, what have I missed.
Hows 3-weels?
3Wells is understandably somewhat apprehensive but keeping her spirits up; they've increased her pain-killers quite a lot. More investigations tomorrow, and plans that have to involve another hospital (or two) up in Dublin, whether or not she'll have to be transferred is as yet unknown.
I spent the day at a rally in the midlands (Portlaoise, where they have the big guest-house, the one with rather restricted check-out). Small entry, but went well ... some damaged machinery, and one car off so far (80 feet down, I gather) that last I heard a team was out with chain-saws to try and carve out a path to get a winch-cable down! But at least the crew got out (and back onto the road) just fine.
Hi, No doubt by the time you get this, you are already en-route to visiting hospital., but I'm sure 3w knows that thoughts are with her... Incidentally, Grace is scheduled elsethread to have her op Tomorrow (Tues).
Nice to see Brian safely Home. I've not been to France since errrr, 199?. to see my opposite number on playing trains. No I'm not getting into the Politics of giving the the British fleet to the EU. I'm told they are scrapped now - including the unused ones.
I got a missive yesterday, not certain of the exact terminology, or who sent it (i.e, from the board or from Proboard) to tell me that I am excluded from The Archers Thread... Which is odd, because I just referred back to your link, above, and I was clearly still extant.
Got much to do. Will lurk in Peets to see if I'm still extant there, but I have much to sort out re Non-ML Matters.. More missives off to MP, (now that Gov is reinstated) and see CAB re my Mortgagors, exacerbated by Local gov told Mortgagors to contact me via my "New Address", without overiding my existing address.. .. Yup, difficult to put all that into words, and my post-stroke brain is not good at composing words..
GLO, all the best getting your various matters sorted out. I know Grace is scheduled for her op tomorrow (so long as they don't postpone it yet again), must drop best wishes on the appropriate thread (in what's really the "real" and original ML, since doing so in Bowmanland would probably cause wobbles. They've really started well ...... (er, ....)
Hoping things look better for Twells and that your visit was a good one.... I'm currently perched at the end of her bed but no one will tell me anything.... Lots of folk seem to ignore Dragons.... And Bears and others like us.... can't think why....
Oh Good. The cats will look after her well. I don't mean physically, but emotionally really. Being home is very comforting and let's hope the the neuralgia dies down as quickly as it flared up.
So you've met Grace in the flesh/camper. I've seen her at Meets. I bet Pearl was a gas or didn't she have Pearl when she came?
I'm off to make music before bed. Good night/morning.
Two brief comments.
First: Just read about Twellers impending 'escape' this morning. I'll bet she'll be delighted to be back home (and I've said as much). It's good news.
Second: Rwth. The Volvo 850R needs a Timing-belt change every 7 years (or 100k miles, whichever is sooner), so since you don't know when it was changed before you had it. it's probably a good thing to do. The coolant loss won't I don't think be due to the timing belt. It may be a hose leak, or even a leak from the expansion tank. It might even be from the radiator itself, or the thermostat - washer.
The Volvo 850 series, are built like tanks, but can be very expensive when a timing-belt goes as they are what's called an interference engine - at different times of the combustion cycle, the valves and pistons might occupy the same space and if they do, the engine is seriously blown.
Since it is 1995 with a full service history, it may be a while before I can check through all the paperwork. My Skoda was supposed to have a new TC every 4 years and I had it done soon after I bought it, so the 7 year rule is a bit reassuring. Blunders bought it in 2012 (actually he swopped his horrible BMW for it and was given an extra £2K which he didn't refuse but thought he got the best of the bargain) I inherited it from him in 2014. One day I topped it up and was on the way back from a bumpy ride when the light went on. When I investigated, the cap for the expansion tank was sitting on the next box of engine (ABS unit I think). I'd obviously forgotten to put it back on and the sturdiness and stability had kept it on the engine, unsecured for about 20 miles. Whew! Thanks for the feedback though. I thought if it was the thermostat, the temperature would rise, so I agree probably a leak in the system.
Dragon has been seasonal for at least 3 years GLO, Not invisible to me at any rate thank goodness. I really like dragons.
Ah... I think Mr Dragon is a London Dragon ... Is that right!
Yes, my nasty Modern car Is a Volvo, (One with an Engine that WON'T self destroy if a Belt Drive fails), but I think the "Even-more-modern-than-mine" 850 has French designed engine, so no first-hand knowledge. Is it still losing fluid?
To more important stuff. Is 3W home? Do the cats recognize her? (when I met Ginger george ex-Hospital, he kept hiding from me - as he does with all strangers). Does she have to have a return to Hosp? (3w I mean, not the Cats).
Oh well. I'd better take some pills and get back to getting life in order...
Morning Gentle Folk.... Though I think it's Wednesday and not Tuesday anymore..... But I do confess to being very confussicated.... And confused...
Hope all is OK with Twells this New Sunny Day, Boss?..... Tallons and Wings firmly crossed for her wellbeing and rapid recovery...... Shingles is a nasty little beastie....
I seem to be confronted with the Verification code thingy again, ATD.... Have I been misbehaving?
Dragon is a Lady Dragon GLO..... Not that I mind either way as I'm definitely no feminist....You have communicated with me on a few of the threads in Sue's.... Latest was probably on Mermaid's Log Cabin thread..... That seemed to fade away once our Brazilian friend disappeared.... Hope Mantis and Lady Mantis are OK....
I stopped posting on the Earlies threads following The Bashing of Brexit by those posters who considered themselves to be Highly Intelligent Beings and anybody who didn't share their biased views to be complete morons.... The Flouncing and Flumping and Beating of Breasts that ensued and brought about Twell's leaving also brought about mine.... And LP's.... And a few others....
There is a small group of very manipulative posters.... Of whom Scarlett is one..... They know exactly what strings to pull and how to go about it and most of the EB's follow blindly because they don't want to be seen to be "not one of us"....
I might have to start a Cricket Thread here.... Once I can see well enough on a regular basis.... Pre Surgery Check up done and lovely consultant has given me some pills to take before we leave here crack of dawn tomorrow for the op.... He is also "doing" me first so that I don't have to wait around getting stressed....As I said... Lovely man.... Hope he has a restful night tonight.....
After spending the morning in the Hospital Eye Clinic we moved on (slowly) to A&E to get my leg X-rayed.... Amazingly rapid service.... Must remember to make sure any further accidents I have occur on a Tuesday.... Some discussions were had amongst clinical folk about an area between theupper and lower knee joints before they decided it's not a break but Osteo arthritis.... The rest is damaged ligaments/tendons and muscles.... Doesn't stop the rgeat ouchiness, sadly.... I can't stand for any length of time, though can now walk (accompanied) with crutches/sticks.... I am an Outdoors Dragon.... Walking and Garrdening is waht i do..... <silent scream>
ATD.... I shall be sticking around here.... If that'sOK with you.... But I can't face any of that Bowman's stuff.... My brain is addled enough as it is..... Peet's never was for me either.... Might see how Merms gets on some time..... Nice lady and almost as nutty as me....
May the day be gentle on you all.... Bracing myself to climb the stairs>>>>>>>>
Oh, I think things are quiet enough in here that a "Tuesday" thread can ramble on into a "Wednesday", or even further .... long enough and it will be "Tuesday" again
Of course you're welcome to stick around! If you keep on getting that "verification" thingie, you may not have checked the "remember me" check box when you logged in ... that *should* do it. Just don't do a new "registration": if it looks like you're being asked to do that, just post as "guest" and I'll try and sort it out and get you back in as "you" (you can post as "guest" here, all "guest" posts are "pre-moderated" though so won't show up until approved. Peets uses the same mechanism).
After climbing the stairs, do try to come back down them the normal way, no "short-cuts" using gravity that will land you back in your local A&E!