Forgot to open a "Miscellany" thread last week, so I'll get this week's ball rolling ... better late than never! Long week-end, two motorsport events - one on Saturday, and another one yesterday. So I spent yesterday afternoon in the yard of a pig-farm and the evening in a truck garage & test centre .
Weather: been very nice, actually! Someone commented a few days ago about having a cheapo Maplin weather station: I acquired one of those in non-working order and got it operating again with some spare parts from Maplin, which cost the huge sum of about €5 ... which does give some idea of the quality and accuracy of the thing! I guess the temperature and pressure readings are reasonably accurate but I certainly wouldn't count on the wind speed or direction, or the rainfall - that I know it definitely underestimates by quite a lot! I have it set up through my PC to report to "Weather Underground", here:
Sorry I went quiet. I got whisked into hospital and opened up. I asked if it could happen again because if so they should fit me with a zip. The surgeon gave a ghastly smile and said he hoped not, but I think he was trying not to laugh in front of his 'team'.
Then my sister who's a doctor, kidnapped me to stop me rushing around the house and overdoing everything. She kept me in the balmy fields of Warwickshire for a week and pampered me with Cordon Bleu cookery. And walked my dog. She is hyperactive and as thin as a pin. I've been back 36 hours and the dog and I have flumped exhausted into a corner.
I suppose the accuracy of weather forecasting is fairly crucial where you are. Here, even though we are on the Bristol Channel, we are protected by the headlands of the coast, and only discommoded by South Eastern gales, that don't usually arise. I use the Met office that has sensors around here, and according to other locals is usually spot on. If it forecasts rain for 12.15, it falls pretty much on schedule or not at all. But I thought Maplins were good at things like that. I'm shocked and dismayed that expertise and Getting the Right Parts to upgrade was necessary.
Well... I has a (Maplin I think) thermometer, Barometer, Clock (No just loked, not Maplin),But you have reminded me to get a Battery clock - Remaarkably cheap.
Must go down to my Garage and check Security on my "Restoration Project" Getting a bit cold to play out there...
Hi, Rwth.
Hiding behind Langdon Hills (Yes, Hills in flat Essex), it sometimes seems calm but cold, whilst Mr Legs at 'tother end of town (3 miles) whinges of wind and rain?
Have you found out where you live yet GLO, now that the Council (spit) has redesignated your mean streets? N0 14 Nelson Mandela?
Had lots of fun yesterday with a flat tyre, which in the event wasn't as bad as the overinflated one which was due to have a blowout when I reached a speed above 70mph. There are so many pot holes round here it isn't worth buying expensive ones. I went and did the necessary. At least, because it was urgent, the techy at the tyre place let me watch and answered all my questions. He let me see inside the tyres, (full of black fluff). And now I know what tyre pressures are right. The return journey was much more comfortable and less tense.
I had a frank exchange of views with the nice pharmacist at Tescos and decided I shall have to investigate elsewhere for a guarantee that I won't have to have the rubbish brand of meds that don't work. Of course I was ill in another way too, which could have partially accounted for the exhausted sleep. Never mind, I won.
Must go out and find proper cake. I've had none for weeks!
Welll... Went to a meeting tonight re the House Number/"Road" name. Meeting at someones house .... But I couldn't the house as Numbered. Found it eventually.. It seems the council can legally change the road name, but not the number. But they should not Deface/Cover the House number that I am legally required to display.
Flat tyres - Yes my Modern car has (surprise surprise) has modern tyres which have a limited life. My real car has Tyres with inner tubes, and those innertubes are definately old enough to be "Questionable" If I can get up to the Restoration show in the NEC, I'll try find the young Lady who has bought some ex-dunlop tools.
When I worked, Tesco's pharmacists kept leaving to get more money elsewhere, so they had to hire contract bods. It WAS some years ago, but I did see a time sheet get signed.. (gulp) It was his own (i.e., not one for the agency to take a cut), and it was about five years ago - He charged £23 per hour - no idea what that is in todays money.. I subsequently learned that He might be a Dispenser - not the Pharmacist, who gets more .... apropos of nothing at all... I did another job in Kensington for Boots. The Dapper smart young seemed to be collected by a different beautiful girl every night, was Arabian Pharmacist. His Dispenser was .. well, He played for Darrington, and was Jewish - He HATED his boss.. Fancy spending eight hours a day working for someone you hate.
Afraid my complement of pills are leaving me tired (I THINK the pills are the reason for leaving me tired). Home from tonights meeting I cooked a ready-frozen dinner, picked up pepperpot instead of salt - the pot with the fall-offable cap... So much for dinner. Must make a sandwhich to go with mu evening pill......
My Hospital gave me a location an a new building that nobody can find . and the phone number dont work - do you think they are trying to tell me something..... I wonder if they remember the job I did there.......
Back again. No real excuse except meetings, orchestral practice, seeing the motor caravan and its new owner off the premises, having cleaners round and running out of steam resulting in reading and sleeping. Next door has a wood burner, but I don't know how she lights it. Maybe rubbing said boy scouts together. It does smell wonderful.
Glad 3 Wells is back. Hope that the recovery goes well.
Thoughts of Wood burning reminds me of a former colleague (when I worked) Always going on about boy scouting with his "Deliah" Cookbook.. I can smell woodburning here.. I suspose one does at this time of Year.
Not much to add - nothings happening here. Perhaps I'll start a Rumour.